Normal cabin - Copy

  • Created on :  12/23/22
    Auteur :  Wynbrooke
    Membre depuis :  March 2022
    Projets partagés :  122

Créateur initial :  Wynbrooke

  • Created on :  12/23/22
    Auteur :  Wynbrooke
    Membre depuis :  March 2022
    Projets partagés :  122

Créateur initial :  Wynbrooke


Description du projet

A warm cabin in the woods that has everything you need to enjoy a christmast vacation! The decorations of course, a chill area outside to watch the game and christmast movies, a vaulted calling living room, and a basement with a game room, 3 bedrooms worth of space for the family and 4 bathrooms all equipped with a unique tile and flooring. The kitchen has a sleek and dark feel coming with a hidden fridge and sub zero oven. Enjoy! (Had to reupload it so you guys can download the new version!)

Les autres projets

de Wynbrooke