Trendy suburban house

  • Created on :  10/11/22
    Auteur :  Harpertea
    Membre depuis :  July 2020
    Projets partagés :  61

Créateur initial :  Harpertea

  • Created on :  10/11/22
    Auteur :  Harpertea
    Membre depuis :  July 2020
    Projets partagés :  61

Créateur initial :  Harpertea


Description du projet

This is a 4 bed, 2.5 bath house I can imagine in the suburbs. It is a renovated version of an old project of mine I did not like. The style is very trendy with what I’ve seen on Pinterest and the internet. I don’t think it is very good, but I’m still proud.

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de Harpertea